Kalau denger kata-kata foreplay kayaknya gimana gitu. Disini hanyalah pengetahuan yang di sarankan untuk di pelajari bagi anda yang sudah mempunyai pasangan. bercinta akan terasa kurang lengkap bila dilakukan dengan kegiatan yang itu-itu saja(membosankan). Bagaikan sayur tanpa sayuran,,, seperti itu pula rasanya sebuah pertempuran tanpa sensasi menyenangkan.
Nah, untuk Anda yang ingin membangkitkan gairah bercinta, tak ada salahnya mengajak pasangan melakukan foreplay menggoda.
Kegiatan foreplay dapat dilakukan dengan banyak cara. Salah satunya ialah mengumbar kata-kata mesra, berciuman sambil meraba, dll. Dengan melakukan hal tersebut, dijamin sebuah pergumulan akan terasa miningkat panas, semakin gairah.
foreplay dapat anda laukan dengan berbagai cara diantaranya ialah:
Bermain lidah
Setiap wanita memiliki titik rangsang yang berbeda. Di antara salah satu area terfavorit kaum ”F” tersebut, lidah menjadi bagian sensitif yang mampu membangkitkan sensasi luar biasa dari ajang bercinta. Tentunya dengan sensasi anda masing-masing ”M”.
katanya, saat ”M” bermain lidah, kaum ”F” akan terbuai dalam sebuah kenikmatan bercinta. Sensasi ini akan semakin memuncak saat pria menyentuh area sensitifnya.
Bugil sambil merangkul pasangan
mempertontonkan keseksian tiap lekuk tubuh mampu memancing hasrat pasangan. Aksi ini akan terasa sempurna saat anda merangkul si dia dengan penuh perasaan dan kehangatan.
tidak hanya itu, bahkan tak ada salahnya anda tambahkan aksi liar sambil meremas payudaranya. Dijamin akan membuat si dia makin terpesona dengan kelihaian Anda memuaskan birahinya.
Aksi panas
Menjadi "master" dalam permainan akan membuat anda bebas berekspresi menyalurkan hasrat yang telah lama terpendam. Bahkan tak ada salahnya bila anda mewujudkan fantasi liar yang selama ini hanya ada dalam pikiran.
Melakukan tarian erotis bersama di depan cermin atau mengisi pertempuran dengan sebuah perlombaan atau permainan menarik. Aturannya, pihak yang menang boleh menjadi pemimpin pertempuran berikutnya. Tentu akan membuat foreplay terasa lebih dahsyat. Selamat berpikir, membayangkan, berimajinasi, dan apa yang selanjutnya anda lakukan...
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Friday, April 17, 2009
sensasi bercinta di Kolam renang
Beeehh,kolam renang, kayaknya asyik tuh.. bagi para maniak seks, mungkin kata basah identik dengan sesuatu yang segar dan sensual. Meski terdengar sedikit janggal, bercinta di kolam renang punya sensasi yang ber-TASTE..
Faktanya, bercinta di kolam renang adalah hal menyenangkan, tetapi juga akan membahayakan untuk beberapa alasan. Misalnya kadar klorin yang terlalu tinggi pada air kolam renang ditambah dengan gesekan - gesekan seru, misalnya dapat membuat alat vital lecet ataupun melepuh. Maka dari itu apabila anda melekukan hubungan seks didalam air perlu lebih berhati-hati(slowly) slow but sure....
Meski demikian, kenikmatan bercinta di kolam renang sebaiknya tak Anda lewatkan. Persiapkan berbagai siasat agar aksi aqua love berjalan penuh ketegangan dan memuaskan.
eeeh, hampir lupa.. kalau misalkan anda minginginkan menggunakan alat bantu seperti kondom, ingatlah bahwa air dan kondom sangat tidak cocok. Banyak riset membuktikan bahwa air hangat dan zat kimia seperti klorin pada air kolam renang sangat memengaruhi ketahanan kondom. Karena kondom tidak tahan lama di dalam air kolam renang, maka siapkan kondom cadangan agar bercinta tetap aman. Saat mempersiapkan klimaks, pastikan kondom telah terpasang dengan baik.
ada pula Pelumas tambahan
Bercinta di dalam air membuat pelumas yang dihasilkan oleh si M maupun si F menjadi lebih banyak dari biasanya. Sayangnya, pelumas itu akan segera hilang karena tercampur air. Bukan masalah besar, karena Anda bisa mempersiapkan pelumas tambahan sehingga bercinta lebih nyaman dan menyenangkan. Read More..
Faktanya, bercinta di kolam renang adalah hal menyenangkan, tetapi juga akan membahayakan untuk beberapa alasan. Misalnya kadar klorin yang terlalu tinggi pada air kolam renang ditambah dengan gesekan - gesekan seru, misalnya dapat membuat alat vital lecet ataupun melepuh. Maka dari itu apabila anda melekukan hubungan seks didalam air perlu lebih berhati-hati(slowly) slow but sure....
Meski demikian, kenikmatan bercinta di kolam renang sebaiknya tak Anda lewatkan. Persiapkan berbagai siasat agar aksi aqua love berjalan penuh ketegangan dan memuaskan.
eeeh, hampir lupa.. kalau misalkan anda minginginkan menggunakan alat bantu seperti kondom, ingatlah bahwa air dan kondom sangat tidak cocok. Banyak riset membuktikan bahwa air hangat dan zat kimia seperti klorin pada air kolam renang sangat memengaruhi ketahanan kondom. Karena kondom tidak tahan lama di dalam air kolam renang, maka siapkan kondom cadangan agar bercinta tetap aman. Saat mempersiapkan klimaks, pastikan kondom telah terpasang dengan baik.
ada pula Pelumas tambahan
Bercinta di dalam air membuat pelumas yang dihasilkan oleh si M maupun si F menjadi lebih banyak dari biasanya. Sayangnya, pelumas itu akan segera hilang karena tercampur air. Bukan masalah besar, karena Anda bisa mempersiapkan pelumas tambahan sehingga bercinta lebih nyaman dan menyenangkan. Read More..
trik untuk wanita pemalu
Malam ini bingung nich mo sharing apaan ya… aaah,mungkin klo bahas masalah sex jadi gak bingung nich, sekalian belajar juga..
Bersikap agresif di atas ranjang memang dapat membuat sebuah pergumulan terasa lebih menyenangkan. Apa lagi kalau lagi sama-sama”…..”.Namun, ternyata ada sebagian pria tidak menyukai pasangan yang agresif?
Dari argument beberapa pria mengenai pasangan agresif, kebanyakan memilih wanita pemalu. Sebab sebuah permainan terasa lebih nikmat saat pasangan bersikap jinak-jinak merpati.
dengan demikian, bagi si pemalu, ajang bercinta dapat terasa menyiksa lantaran terasa sulit untuk menyalurkan imajinasi seks, apalagi yang liar terhadap pasangan. Padahal jauh di lubuk hati yang paling dalam ingin sekali melampiaskan hasrat seks yang selama ini terpendam.
Lalu, apa yang harus Anda lakukan agar dapat memikat wanita "pemalu"? Tak perlu bingung, karena AskMen memberikan tips jitu untuk Anda menaklukkan wanita pemalu.
berikut trik-trik yang harus anda lakukan:
Ciptakan zona nyaman
Langkah awal yang harus dilakukan ialah memberikan rasa nyaman terhadap wanita pemalu. Ini dapat dilakukan dengan cara mengajak si dia mengunjungi tempat-tempat yang dapat membuatnya nyaman.
Buat dia tertawa/senang
Kebanyakan wanita lebih menyukai pria humoris. Karenanya untuk meruntuhkan tembok besar di antara Anda berdua, maka ajaklah si dia tertawa sepanjang hari.
Tak hanya itu saja, agar si dia tidak lagi merasa malu, Anda tetap harus berjuang keras mengajaknya berbicara mengenai segala hal tentang dirinya. Dengan begitu, Anda telah mengetahui luar dalam kepribadiannya.
Biarkan si dia mengendalikan Anda
Meskipun wanita pemalu enggan memulai pembicaraan lebih dulu, namun tak ada salahnya Anda mencoba dan menunggu si dia untuk memulai pembicaraan.
Langkah ini dilakukan untuk menunjukkan padanya bahwa Anda bukanlah tipe pria yang mendominasi, sehingga akan membuatnya merasa lebih nyaman.
Tunjukkan daya tarik Anda
Sebelum memulai percakapan dengan si dia, sebaiknya Anda menyusun topik pembicaraan yang akan menarik perhatiannya.
Sebelum mewujudkan hal itu, Anda dapat memerhatikan penampilan atau barang bawaannya. Misalnya si dia senang membaca novel dan berpakaian kasual.
Anda dapat memulai pembicaraan dengan menceritakan kilasan-kilasan novel baru yang Anda ketahui. Dijamin si dia akan semakin tertarik dengan Anda dan tak sabar ingin segera berkencan dengan Anda.
Selamat mencoba.... Read More..
Bersikap agresif di atas ranjang memang dapat membuat sebuah pergumulan terasa lebih menyenangkan. Apa lagi kalau lagi sama-sama”…..”.Namun, ternyata ada sebagian pria tidak menyukai pasangan yang agresif?
Dari argument beberapa pria mengenai pasangan agresif, kebanyakan memilih wanita pemalu. Sebab sebuah permainan terasa lebih nikmat saat pasangan bersikap jinak-jinak merpati.
dengan demikian, bagi si pemalu, ajang bercinta dapat terasa menyiksa lantaran terasa sulit untuk menyalurkan imajinasi seks, apalagi yang liar terhadap pasangan. Padahal jauh di lubuk hati yang paling dalam ingin sekali melampiaskan hasrat seks yang selama ini terpendam.
Lalu, apa yang harus Anda lakukan agar dapat memikat wanita "pemalu"? Tak perlu bingung, karena AskMen memberikan tips jitu untuk Anda menaklukkan wanita pemalu.
berikut trik-trik yang harus anda lakukan:
Ciptakan zona nyaman
Langkah awal yang harus dilakukan ialah memberikan rasa nyaman terhadap wanita pemalu. Ini dapat dilakukan dengan cara mengajak si dia mengunjungi tempat-tempat yang dapat membuatnya nyaman.
Buat dia tertawa/senang
Kebanyakan wanita lebih menyukai pria humoris. Karenanya untuk meruntuhkan tembok besar di antara Anda berdua, maka ajaklah si dia tertawa sepanjang hari.
Tak hanya itu saja, agar si dia tidak lagi merasa malu, Anda tetap harus berjuang keras mengajaknya berbicara mengenai segala hal tentang dirinya. Dengan begitu, Anda telah mengetahui luar dalam kepribadiannya.
Biarkan si dia mengendalikan Anda
Meskipun wanita pemalu enggan memulai pembicaraan lebih dulu, namun tak ada salahnya Anda mencoba dan menunggu si dia untuk memulai pembicaraan.
Langkah ini dilakukan untuk menunjukkan padanya bahwa Anda bukanlah tipe pria yang mendominasi, sehingga akan membuatnya merasa lebih nyaman.
Tunjukkan daya tarik Anda
Sebelum memulai percakapan dengan si dia, sebaiknya Anda menyusun topik pembicaraan yang akan menarik perhatiannya.
Sebelum mewujudkan hal itu, Anda dapat memerhatikan penampilan atau barang bawaannya. Misalnya si dia senang membaca novel dan berpakaian kasual.
Anda dapat memulai pembicaraan dengan menceritakan kilasan-kilasan novel baru yang Anda ketahui. Dijamin si dia akan semakin tertarik dengan Anda dan tak sabar ingin segera berkencan dengan Anda.
Selamat mencoba.... Read More..
Friday, March 20, 2009
sensor PING
Ultrasonic Sensor Overview
Mendeteksiobyekdidepandengancaramenangkappantulandarisinyalyang dipancarkan, miripdengan
• Kelelawar
• Radar
Untukmendeteksiobyek dengan menggantikan sensor infra red
• Menggunakan1 pin I/O
• LED sebagaiindikatoraktifitas
Adalah sebagai berikut:
• PING))) memancarkan sinyal burst pendek
• PING))) mengirimkan pulsa echo
• Kontrole rmengukur lebar pulsa echo dari PING)))
• Supply Voltage : 5 VDC��Supply Current : 30 mAtyp; 35 mAmax
• Range : 2 cm to 3 m (0.8 in to 3.3 yrds)
• Input Trigger : positive TTL pulse, 2 uSmin, 5 μs typ.
• Echo Pulse : positive TTL pulse, 115 uSto 18.5 ms
• Echo Hold-off : 750 μs from fall of Trigger pulse
• Burst Frequency : 40 kHz for 200 μs
• Burst Indicator LED shows sensor activity
• Delay before next measurement : 200 μs
• Size : 22 mm H x 46 mm W x 16 mm D (0.84 in x 1.8 in x 0.6 in)
Kontroler menghasilkan pulsa ‘start’ dan menghitung lebar pulsa yang keluar.
Program AVR Ultrasonic
Pada percobaan ini digunakan modul AVR Atmega8535 dengan sebuahLCD untuk menampilkan nilai counter dan jarak dalam sentimeter.
• SiapkanmodulAVR danmodulPING))), hubungkan kedua modul tersebut dengan benar.
• Hubungkan modul AVR dengan PC, jalankan aplikasi Code Vision AVR.
• Gunakan wizard untuk mengakses LCD
Berikut adlah Deklarasi program
#define PULSE PORTA.0
#define ECHO PINA.0
#define ARAH DDRA.0
#define OUT 1
#define INP 0
Unsigened int count=0;
Float jarak;
Unsigened char kata1[16];
Unsigened char kata2[16];
Setelah memehami deklarasi program, dibawah ini adalah program utama sebagai berikut:
while (1)
// Place your code here
// port as output
// pulse 2us
// port as input
// with pull-up
while (ECHO==0) {};
while (ECHO==1)
sprintf(kata1,"Counter=%d ",count);
sprintf(kata2,"Jarak=%3.2f cm",jarak);
Read More..
Ultrasonic Sensor Overview
Mendeteksiobyekdidepandengancaramenangkappantulandarisinyalyang dipancarkan, miripdengan
• Kelelawar
• Radar
Untukmendeteksiobyek dengan menggantikan sensor infra red
• Menggunakan1 pin I/O
• LED sebagaiindikatoraktifitas
Adalah sebagai berikut:
• PING))) memancarkan sinyal burst pendek
• PING))) mengirimkan pulsa echo
• Kontrole rmengukur lebar pulsa echo dari PING)))
• Supply Voltage : 5 VDC��Supply Current : 30 mAtyp; 35 mAmax
• Range : 2 cm to 3 m (0.8 in to 3.3 yrds)
• Input Trigger : positive TTL pulse, 2 uSmin, 5 μs typ.
• Echo Pulse : positive TTL pulse, 115 uSto 18.5 ms
• Echo Hold-off : 750 μs from fall of Trigger pulse
• Burst Frequency : 40 kHz for 200 μs
• Burst Indicator LED shows sensor activity
• Delay before next measurement : 200 μs
• Size : 22 mm H x 46 mm W x 16 mm D (0.84 in x 1.8 in x 0.6 in)
Kontroler menghasilkan pulsa ‘start’ dan menghitung lebar pulsa yang keluar.
Program AVR Ultrasonic
Pada percobaan ini digunakan modul AVR Atmega8535 dengan sebuahLCD untuk menampilkan nilai counter dan jarak dalam sentimeter.
• SiapkanmodulAVR danmodulPING))), hubungkan kedua modul tersebut dengan benar.
• Hubungkan modul AVR dengan PC, jalankan aplikasi Code Vision AVR.
• Gunakan wizard untuk mengakses LCD
Berikut adlah Deklarasi program
#define PULSE PORTA.0
#define ECHO PINA.0
#define ARAH DDRA.0
#define OUT 1
#define INP 0
Unsigened int count=0;
Float jarak;
Unsigened char kata1[16];
Unsigened char kata2[16];
Setelah memehami deklarasi program, dibawah ini adalah program utama sebagai berikut:
while (1)
// Place your code here
// port as output
// pulse 2us
// port as input
// with pull-up
while (ECHO==0) {};
while (ECHO==1)
sprintf(kata1,"Counter=%d ",count);
sprintf(kata2,"Jarak=%3.2f cm",jarak);
Read More..
Sunday, February 8, 2009
teknologi robot
Robotic Technology
Basic Robot Topology
Design Requirements
• Performance requirements are critical to all successful designs
– What is the robot expected to do?
• How long? How precisely? With how much guidance?...
• How big/heavy/strong/fast?
– What are the environmental conditions?
– What is the time frame in which it will operate?
– How expensive should it be?
Mathematical Modeling
• Modeling the robot to some degree is important to understand its performance and limitations
• Models can be of varying complexity
• Best technical approach for modeling is to develop a series of models, from simple to complex, as required to satisfy questions
• Always know underlying assumptions on which each model is based
– Respect the limitations of models
– Balance use of simplified models to minimize design cycle time
• Be a critical observer of all model results
Feedback Sensor Selection
• High fidelity sensoring can be a critical element in a successful design
– Balance use of direct sensing versus estimation to meet your performance specifications
• Understand sensor requirements:
– Type and system interface
– Accuracy/Precision/Limits/redundancy management issues
• Always co-locate sensor unless absolutely unavoidable
• Understand sensor signal processing
Actuator Selection
• Response characteristics are critical:
– Speed/strength/motion
– Delay in response?
• Power supply requirements
• Physical attributes
– Size
– Weight
– Cost
• Types:
– Electrical: motors/solenoids etc.
– Mechanical: springs/dampers
– Hydraulic or Pneumatic: pistons
Processing Consideration
• Computer or microprocessor control is inherent
• How fast (sampling rate)
– Delay?
• How precise (how are numbers represented)
– Number of bits
• Fixed or floating point numbers?
Control Design Concepts
• Keep it simple
– Strive to maintain linearity
– Avoid extraneous logic and switchable modes
• Design for transient free mode switching
– Understand failure modes and effects
• Design for robustness to failures where appropriate
• Balance performance with stability concerns
– Always adhere to stability guidelines Sensors Sensors
System Integration
• Ensure input devices do not degrade the system
– Control input interface devices
– Sensors must be mounted in environmentally friendly locations
• Ensure constraints imposed by other subsystems do not compromise system
– Structural load considerations
• Use high fidelity simulation of entire system for validation (hardware in the loop to extent possible)
– Functional tests for system features
– End-to-end tests for system integration
– Stress test system as extensively as possible
– Develop regression tests if upgrades are planned
Robotics Functions
Transducer: Sensors and Actuators
• Transducer
– A device that converts a signal from one physical form to a corresponding signal having a different physical form
• Physical form: mechanical, thermal, magnetic, electric, optical,chemical...
• Sensor
– A device that receives and responds to a signal or stimulus
• This is a broader concept that includes the extension of our perception capabilities to acquire information about physical quantities
• Transducers: sensors and actuators
– Sensor: an input transducer (i.e., a microphone)
– Actuator: an output transducer (i.e., a loudspeaker)
Design Consideration
• Range
– Sensors have a limit on upper and lower bounds of the states they measure
• Precision/Accuracy/Resolution/Tolerances
– Precision is how repeatable are measurements when sensing the same state (not always the same as accuracy due to drift etc.)
– Accuracy is how close is the sensed value to the actual value of the sensed state
– Resolution is how finely can the sensor distinguish changes in state
– Tolerances are bounds identified with respect to the above rating a sensorís performance
• Type
– Analog/Digital
• Analog sensors may have a digital interface but still exhibit idiosyncrasies of analog equipment (i.e. airspeed sensor may still be subject to temperature drift)
• Direct digital sensors do not drift (i.e. digital encoders for rotation or translation)
• Noise
– Noise cannot be distinguished from real data so signal to noise ratio for sensor is important
Sensor Types
• Position
– Relative vs. absolute
• GPS provides globally referenced position
• Rangefinders provide local position information with respect to the environment
– Characteristics (where do the sensors work well and where do they not, what important features must be taken into account
• GPS works well in open spaces; may not work at all in most urban areas
• Rangefinders may work well until environment becomes cluttered or uneven
• Velocity
– Groundspeed
– Air or water speed for aerial or marine robots
• Typically a local measurement relative to the robot itself
• Acceleration
– Almost always an absolute measure unless calibrated
• Orientation (pitch/roll/compass heading)
• Rotational rate
Sensor Classification
Sampled data system constraints
• Aliasing occurs if data with a waveform higher than 1/2 the frequency is sampled
– High frequencies are “aliased” to lower frequencies
– Prefiltering is required to eliminate aliasing if input cannot be guaranteed to adhere to max frequency constraint
Sensor Placement
• Co-location
– Always best to place sensor closest to location of importance
• Flexible structures typically require understanding of mode shapes
• Environment
– Heat
– Electromagnetic interference
• Cameras should not be next to motors etc…
• Several types exist (mechanical and optical).
• Mechanical example: flywheel gyroscope
– Conservation of angular momentum
– Torque on axes depends on T = I.ω.Ω
Light Sensor: Photoelectric
Read More..
Basic Robot Topology
Design Requirements
• Performance requirements are critical to all successful designs
– What is the robot expected to do?
• How long? How precisely? With how much guidance?...
• How big/heavy/strong/fast?
– What are the environmental conditions?
– What is the time frame in which it will operate?
– How expensive should it be?
Mathematical Modeling
• Modeling the robot to some degree is important to understand its performance and limitations
• Models can be of varying complexity
• Best technical approach for modeling is to develop a series of models, from simple to complex, as required to satisfy questions
• Always know underlying assumptions on which each model is based
– Respect the limitations of models
– Balance use of simplified models to minimize design cycle time
• Be a critical observer of all model results
Feedback Sensor Selection
• High fidelity sensoring can be a critical element in a successful design
– Balance use of direct sensing versus estimation to meet your performance specifications
• Understand sensor requirements:
– Type and system interface
– Accuracy/Precision/Limits/redundancy management issues
• Always co-locate sensor unless absolutely unavoidable
• Understand sensor signal processing
Actuator Selection
• Response characteristics are critical:
– Speed/strength/motion
– Delay in response?
• Power supply requirements
• Physical attributes
– Size
– Weight
– Cost
• Types:
– Electrical: motors/solenoids etc.
– Mechanical: springs/dampers
– Hydraulic or Pneumatic: pistons
Processing Consideration
• Computer or microprocessor control is inherent
• How fast (sampling rate)
– Delay?
• How precise (how are numbers represented)
– Number of bits
• Fixed or floating point numbers?
Control Design Concepts
• Keep it simple
– Strive to maintain linearity
– Avoid extraneous logic and switchable modes
• Design for transient free mode switching
– Understand failure modes and effects
• Design for robustness to failures where appropriate
• Balance performance with stability concerns
– Always adhere to stability guidelines Sensors Sensors
System Integration
• Ensure input devices do not degrade the system
– Control input interface devices
– Sensors must be mounted in environmentally friendly locations
• Ensure constraints imposed by other subsystems do not compromise system
– Structural load considerations
• Use high fidelity simulation of entire system for validation (hardware in the loop to extent possible)
– Functional tests for system features
– End-to-end tests for system integration
– Stress test system as extensively as possible
– Develop regression tests if upgrades are planned
Robotics Functions
Transducer: Sensors and Actuators
• Transducer
– A device that converts a signal from one physical form to a corresponding signal having a different physical form
• Physical form: mechanical, thermal, magnetic, electric, optical,chemical...
• Sensor
– A device that receives and responds to a signal or stimulus
• This is a broader concept that includes the extension of our perception capabilities to acquire information about physical quantities
• Transducers: sensors and actuators
– Sensor: an input transducer (i.e., a microphone)
– Actuator: an output transducer (i.e., a loudspeaker)
Design Consideration
• Range
– Sensors have a limit on upper and lower bounds of the states they measure
• Precision/Accuracy/Resolution/Tolerances
– Precision is how repeatable are measurements when sensing the same state (not always the same as accuracy due to drift etc.)
– Accuracy is how close is the sensed value to the actual value of the sensed state
– Resolution is how finely can the sensor distinguish changes in state
– Tolerances are bounds identified with respect to the above rating a sensorís performance
• Type
– Analog/Digital
• Analog sensors may have a digital interface but still exhibit idiosyncrasies of analog equipment (i.e. airspeed sensor may still be subject to temperature drift)
• Direct digital sensors do not drift (i.e. digital encoders for rotation or translation)
• Noise
– Noise cannot be distinguished from real data so signal to noise ratio for sensor is important
Sensor Types
• Position
– Relative vs. absolute
• GPS provides globally referenced position
• Rangefinders provide local position information with respect to the environment
– Characteristics (where do the sensors work well and where do they not, what important features must be taken into account
• GPS works well in open spaces; may not work at all in most urban areas
• Rangefinders may work well until environment becomes cluttered or uneven
• Velocity
– Groundspeed
– Air or water speed for aerial or marine robots
• Typically a local measurement relative to the robot itself
• Acceleration
– Almost always an absolute measure unless calibrated
• Orientation (pitch/roll/compass heading)
• Rotational rate
Sensor Classification
Sampled data system constraints
• Aliasing occurs if data with a waveform higher than 1/2 the frequency is sampled
– High frequencies are “aliased” to lower frequencies
– Prefiltering is required to eliminate aliasing if input cannot be guaranteed to adhere to max frequency constraint
Sensor Placement
• Co-location
– Always best to place sensor closest to location of importance
• Flexible structures typically require understanding of mode shapes
• Environment
– Heat
– Electromagnetic interference
• Cameras should not be next to motors etc…
• Several types exist (mechanical and optical).
• Mechanical example: flywheel gyroscope
– Conservation of angular momentum
– Torque on axes depends on T = I.ω.Ω
Light Sensor: Photoelectric
Read More..
Thursday, February 5, 2009
struktur Robot
Robot Structure
Robot Design Consideration
1. Bottom-Up Approach
2. Top-Down Approach
3. Bottom-Up and Top-Down
4. Budget
Bottom-Up Approach
A simple method
Detail design is unnecessary
Start from robot body construction
The use of power and weight is not balance
Final implementation does not fit robot contest requirements
Top-Down Approach
A relative complex scientific method
Detail design is necessary
Overall robot functions has been defined
Possible to construct in modular
Difficult to rebuild and redesign
Robot Materials Consideration
Light in weight
Easy to manufacture
Robot Structure
1. Plastic Robot Platform
2. Basic Wooden Platform
3. Building a Metal Platform
Acrylic can be used to build the foundation and frame of the Mini Robot
The best overall wood for robotics use, especially for foundation platforms, is plywood
The best overall wood for robotics use, especially for foundation platforms, is plywood.
Attaching the motor
The wooden platform you have constructed so far is perfect for a fairly sturdy robot, so the motor you choose should be too. Use heavy-duty motors, geared down to a top speed of no more than about 75 rpm; 30 to 40 rpm is even better.
If you have the right tools, working with metal is only slightly harder than working with wood or plastic.
Robot Materials
Types of Batteries
When you think “rechargeable battery,” you undoubtedly think nickel-cadmium—or “Ni-Cad” for short. Ni-Cads aren’t the only battery specifically engineered to be recharged, but they are among the least expensive and easiest to get. Ni-Cads are ideal for most all robotics applications.
Note that Ni-Cads can suffer from “memory effect” whereby the useful capacity of the battery is reduced if the cell is not fully discharged before it is recharged.
Nickel metal hydride (NiMH) batteries represent one of the best of the affordable rechargeable battery technologies. NiMH batteries can be recharged 400 or more times and have a low internal resistance, so they can deliver high amounts of current.
Nickel metal hydride batteries are about the same size and weight as Ni-Cads, but they deliver about 50 percent more operating juice than Ni-Cads. In fact, NiMH batteries work best when they are used in very high current situations.
Unlike Ni-Cads, NiMH batteries do not exhibit any memory effect, nor do they contain cadmium, a highly toxic material.
The battery in your car is a lead-acid battery. It is made up of not much more than lead plates crammed in a container that’s filled with an acid-based electrolyte. When the battery goes dead, recharge it, just like a Ni-Cad. Although lead-acid batteries are powerful, they are heavy.
Representative discharge curves for several common battery types.
The charge/discharge curves of a typical rechargeable
battery. Note that the charge time is longer than the discharge time.
You can obtain higher voltages and current by connecting several cells together. There are two basic approaches:
1. To increase voltage, connect the batteries in series. The resultant voltage is the sum of the voltage outputs of all the cells combined.
2. To increase current, connect the batteries in parallel. The resultant current is the sum of the current capacities of all the cells combined.
Memory effect in Ni-Cad battery can be altered in two ways:
The dangerous way. Short the battery until it’s dead. Recharge it as usual. Some batteries may be permanently damaged by this technique.
The safe way. Use the battery in a low-current circuit, like a flashlight, until it is dead.
Recharge the battery as usual. You must repeat this process a few times until the memory
effect is gone.
Battery Monitor
Quick! What’s the condition of the battery in your robot? With a battery monitor, you’d know in a flash. A battery monitor continually samples the output voltage of the battery during operation of the robot (the best time to test the battery) and provides a visual or logic output.
Gears and Gear Reduction
The normal running speed of motors is far too fast for most robotics applications. Locomotion systems need motors with running speeds of 75 to 150 rpm. Any faster than this, and the robot will skim across the floor and bash into walls and people.
Arms, gripper mechanisms, and most other mechanical subsystems need even slower motors.
The motor for positioning the shoulder joint of an arm needs to have a speed of less than 20 rpm; 5 to 8 rpm is even better.
There are two general ways to decrease motor speed significantly: build a bigger motor (impractical) or add gear reduction.
Pulleys, Belts, Sprockets, and Roller Chain
Akin to the gear are pulleys, belts, sprockets, and roller chains. Pulleys are used with belts, and sprockets are used with roller chain. The pulley and sprocket are functionally identical to the gear. The only difference is that pulleys and sprockets use belts and roller chain, respectively, to transfer power. With gears, power is transferred directly.
Pulleys come in a variety of shapes and sizes. You’re probably familiar with the pulleys and belts used in automotive applications. These are likely to be too bulky and heavy to be used with a robot. Instead, look for smaller and lighter pulleys and belts used for copiers, fax machines, VCRs, and other electronic equipment. These are available for salvage from whole units or in bits and pieces from surplus outlets.
Pulleys can be either the V type (the pulley wheel has a V-shaped groove in it) or the cog type. Cog pulleys require matching belts. You need to ensure that the belt is not only the proper width for the pulley you are using but also has the same cog pitch.
Sprockets and roller chain are preferred when you want to ensure synchronism. For large robots you can use 3/8-inch bicycle chain. Most smaller robots will do fine with 1/4-inch roller chain, which can frequently be found in surplus stores. Metal roller chain is commonly available in preset lengths, though you can sometimes shorten or lengthen the chain by adding or removing links. Plastic roller chain, while not as strong, can be adjusted more easily by using snap-on links.
The Clapper
The “clapper” gripper is a popular design, favored because of its easy construction and simple mechanics. You can build the clapper using metal, plastic, or wood, or a combination of all three.
Two-Pincher Gripper
The two-pincher gripper consists of two movable fingers, somewhat like the claw of a lobster.
Build A Robot
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Friday, January 30, 2009
CMPS03 Magnetic Compass Overview
Pin Suplai:
Pin 1 : +5VDC
Pin 0 : GND
Pin No-Connect
Pin 5 & 8
Pin Output:
Pin 2 & 3 : I2C, no pull-up
Pin 4 : PWM
a.Pin reduksierror:
-Pin 7
-Pull-up on-board (60Hz)
-Berilogikalow untukreduksi50Hz
b.Pin kalibrasi:
-Pin 6
-Pull-up on-board
- Terdapat2 caramembacaoutput:
- PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
- I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit)
Membacaoutput: denganPWM
- Pulsaberlogikahigh (tH) menyatakanderajat
- 0 derajat: tH = 1 mili-detik
- 359.9 derajat: tH = 36.99 mili-detik
- Dengan kata lain: 100 mikro-detiktiap1 derajatdenganoffset 1 mili-detik
- Pulsaberlogikalow (tL) selama65 mili-detik
- Pin 2 & 3 diberipull-up 47k keVcc
Membacaoutput: denganI2C
- KontrolerberkomunikasimenggunakanprotokolI2C
Program pembacaan
- I2C_start()
- I2C_write(0xC0)
- I2C_write(0x01)
- I2C_start
- I2C_write(0xC1)
- data = I2C_read(0)
- I2C_stop()
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- Kompas magnetik, sebagai penentu arah
- Menghasilkan bilangan tertentu yang mewakili kemana arah robot sedang menghadap
- Menggunakan sensor medan magnet KMZ51 buatan Philips
Pin Suplai:
Pin 1 : +5VDC
Pin 0 : GND
Pin No-Connect
Pin 5 & 8
Pin Output:
Pin 2 & 3 : I2C, no pull-up
Pin 4 : PWM
a.Pin reduksierror:
-Pin 7
-Pull-up on-board (60Hz)
-Berilogikalow untukreduksi50Hz
b.Pin kalibrasi:
-Pin 6
-Pull-up on-board
- Terdapat2 caramembacaoutput:
- PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
- I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit)
Membacaoutput: denganPWM
- Pulsaberlogikahigh (tH) menyatakanderajat
- 0 derajat: tH = 1 mili-detik
- 359.9 derajat: tH = 36.99 mili-detik
- Dengan kata lain: 100 mikro-detiktiap1 derajatdenganoffset 1 mili-detik
- Pulsaberlogikalow (tL) selama65 mili-detik
- Pin 2 & 3 diberipull-up 47k keVcc
Membacaoutput: denganI2C
- KontrolerberkomunikasimenggunakanprotokolI2C
Program pembacaan
- I2C_start()
- I2C_write(0xC0)
- I2C_write(0x01)
- I2C_start
- I2C_write(0xC1)
- data = I2C_read(0)
- I2C_stop()
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Kompasmagnetik, sebagaipenentuarah
Menghasilkanbilangantertentuyang mewakilikemanaarahrobot sedangmenghadap
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Menghasilkanbilangantertentuyang mewakilikemanaarahrobot sedangmenghadap
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